When they had to talk, they say 'me', then recognize 'you' and then also learn 'we'; yes, these are the words the bacteria speak among themselves. It was my turn to present an article in the journal club here in our department this week. This time, I choose to talk about 'quorum sensing'; the name in "our" language to address their (bacterial) language. Isn't an intresting topic to talk about? after-all, all we are fond of gossips and in this case the ‘bacterial gossips’! It was an 2009 article in ‘PloS biology’ journal from Bonnie L. Bassler's group who at the first place reported the quorum sensing in the bacteria, vibrio fischeri. It was an amazing experience to learn and share about this incredible system of these tiny little single celled bugs. This particular article is about vibrio harveyi and would like to write here a few things I learnt over reading the article (over a late working night infact :(! ). Quorum sensing, in short ...
Philosophy under the microscope!